Jew Talkin’ To Me? is the unashamedly Jewish comedy chat show for a mainstream audience, hosted by award-winning stand up comedians Rachel Creeger and Philip Simon. It's produced by series producer for The Mash Report and 8 Out of 10 Cats, Russell Balkind.
We chat to stand-up comedians, presenters, broadcasters, journalists and actors, each sharing their own unique perspectives on being 21st century Jews as well as their memories of growing up and what being Jewish means to them.
Jew Talkin’ To Me? is a light hearted look at “Jewishness” rather than Judaism. We aren’t trying to convert, educate or return anyone to the flock. It’s just a warm, relaxed and funny chat show that recreates the kind of conversations you'd have if you found yourself on the miscellaneous table at your cousin Hannah’s Bat Mitzvah.
Being Jewish means something different to everyone. For some it might be as simple as watching Friday Night Dinner and thinking it cuts a bit too close to the truth with their own family, for others it could be a key part of their identity. The common thread is that everyone has stories to tell and thinks their grandma's chicken soup is the best. In their own lives Rachel and Philip sit at very different ends of the Shabbat table. She strictly observes the sabbath, whilst he sneakily enjoys a bacon sandwich.
As it’s a Jewish podcast, each episode is packed with stories, opinions, jokes, opinions, laughs, and have we mentioned… opinions. We begin by checking in with our guests with the question "What's the matter, Bubbelah?", before exploring their favourite family foods and their favourite family feuds! We delve into their connection to Jewish culture and strive to answer the question, "If Laughter Is The Best Medicine, Why Do We Need Chicken Soup?"
Episodes are released as a podcast on all of the usual platforms . Once venues reopen and the arts scene returns, Jew Talkin’ To Me? will be recorded in front of a live audience at festivals and wider community events.
If you're a fan of the show then check out this page.